quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

couple of words [88]

She: Hey!.. I didn't know you were coming tonight!

He: I wasn't. But listen, I have something important to say...

She: Well since you're here, come on in and...

He: No, wait. I have to tell you now.

She: Is everything ok? Honey you're sweating.

He: Don't worry about anything, I'm ok. But listen...

She: Won't you come in? I have vis...

He: No, I have to speak it now.

She: Geez. Ok, what happened?

He: I was walking home after work today and listened some sirenes and then ambulances.. There was an accident somewhere near... I got scared.

She: Scared? Why?
You know I was here, I told you I was coming home earlier today cause my...

He: I know. I know. Listen...
I got scared of thinking how would it be if I.. You know, lost you. These kind of things.

She: Sweetie.. These thoughts are normal. It's the fear to lose something.

He: It's not just that.
I started thinking if I say enough how much I like you, how much your companionship means to me. Cause I should let it clear everyday.

She: You show it more than enough honey. Don't worry alright? It was just some bad thoughts, that's all...

He: It's not all...

She: What else? Oh, I told you, why won't you come in, my p...

He: Will you marry me?

She: What?!

He: Don't freak out, I know we have a lot of things to think, problems to solve, but... Why not doing it together? Really together? I'm tired of waiting, I want you everyday in my life.

She: Ohh I'm gonna pass out...

He: Hey... Calm down.
I have some chocolate here, you need some sugar...

She: It's not that... This... Is totally unexpected.
I thought we were a different couple! Honestly I haven't think about marriage so far, things are so nice...

He: And they will still be nice. Or nicer. We can do it!
I know I don't have a smallest idea of what is a marriage, but damn, we are a couple. A young couple, ok, but we hold on each other. That's the most important thing...

She: I...

He: Here, I bought this a couple of months ago. I wasn't planning anything. I mean, I was, but for when I felt prepared. I'll pay this for an entire year but it's worthy and...

She: Yes! Of course I will!

He: You will?

Father in law: Son, and you have my blessing!

Mother in law: Our blessings!

He: I... Hello...

She: You fool, I was asking you to come on in, don't you remember I told you my parents were coming dinner with me tonight?
Now you're speechless hahahah...

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