terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

couple of words [87]

He: Do you know one thing I'm proud of?

She: Let me guess!..

He: Ohh you wouldn't...

She: Fine. Three chances!

He: Or?..

She: Or... The dishes.

He: Easiest bet ever!

She: Dont brag yourself mister!
Let me see... You're proud of... My taste for music!

He: Actually I'm quite a bit, but it's not a hundred percent like mine, so...

She: Ahh ok mister, got it!
Second chance... My taste for movies! I know you do!

He: Hahahah good one, and I am, but it's not what I was thinking... It doesn't have to do with tastes...

She: Damn, this is hard.

He: Hey, do you hear that?

She: What?

He: The dishes. I guess they're calling you!

She: Hahah clown!

He: Last chance... Ohh, I wish I'd use more than two glasses to drink water tonight...

She: Shh, let me think!
Mmm... You're really enjoying this aren't you?..

He: You'll never guess, woman, give up!

She: You're proud about us... About.. Our discussions?

He: Peeeem, wrong!
But it was close!..

She: Now tell me about it and let's see if I was wrong...

He: Well, actually...
Wait, I have to stop smiling to say that hahah.
Now... I'm proud when we're busy at work in the morning and I check my emails and there are over thirty messages since we've started to chat...

She: Ohh...
That's.. I guess I wasn't thinking that specific...

He: So is this a good "Ohh"?..

She: A "Ohh" that I'm not worried at all for doing the dishes!

He: Hi-five!

She: But you'll dry'em!

He: Okay...


He: And you know... It's not that I don't like your tastes for music, no!
I just think that your tastes are you... All written, you know. Therefore I don't want to have a similar taste...

She: So it reminds you of me?..

He: I don't need anything for that.
I do need not to think about you sometimes...

She: Sweet..
Hey! Spilling water over me is not fair! Don't play with water, mister!

He: I know that one with fire!

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