sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

Me encontre ali, na lua...

Se você é meu lar, e ainda assim não te tenho, então estou vagando.

Na música em que tento te achar no mapa-mundi
ou no livro vou te descobrir entre milhares de outros personagens.

Do agora, só sei que está longe.

Mas nos meus sonhos consigo alcançar tudo.

E vou, no mundo em que as pessoas flutuam.

Entre desenhos animados e balões coloridos
e o céu é de um tom azul giz-de-cera.

Lá eu te encontrarei... Ainda que seja ali na lua
Pois pra quem flutua isso não é nada!

Você chegará com suas asas de fada
e eu num foguete, pra chegar mais rápido.

Se o céu espacial estiver escuro demais
mudarei o tom com a ferramenta de pintar
e teremos a cor do nascer-do-sol
enquanto não nos cansarmos de olhar.

Voltaremos, devagar, ao chão
Passando por caravelas desbravando os mares.

E deitaremos sobre a grama verde escura
olhando as sete maravilhas do mundo.

E bolhas de sabão subindo e crescendo
até estourarem, enormes, quando encontrarem pipas coloridas.

Aí sim, finalmente, o capítulo pode terminar
com um sorriso de "até breve"
apenas o tempo suficiente para o sonho se renovar.

Pois esse sim é o mundo que vejo ao seu redor
é bonito demais pra ficar desprotegido
e ainda tão singelo que, vez ou outra, escapa para o exterior.

E faz dos dias cinzas um tanto mais coloridos
de giz de cera e lápis de cor.

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

couple of words [73]

She: What kind of trick is that? We didn't make any plans to see each other tonight... Did we?

He: Actually, no... But I wanted to see you.
After this morning you kept me thinking about this.. fling we have to talk all the time.

She: Not all the time...

He: I know, I know... But, listen.
All day I was thinking "that email is not an ordinary one!"... I can't stand not sleeping with you every night. And now your vacation's over it's going to be harsh.

She: All of this because of an email? You're more romantic since last night...
And I can't talk about this with an empty stom...
You bought pizza.

He: Just now, let's eat. I didn't opened some wine because you might wanted to have...

She: Beer, allright. And it's already freeze! Nice, mister...


She: Uff... Now I'm happier...
Tell me, what my email got you thinking?

He: I just want more...

She: More? We talked about that, time will tell...

He: I know, but I feel it is time.
See... Just a sec... Here, I even printed the email because I needed to look at it. Just to know there's someone like you in the world that cares this much about me.

She: Oh... You really printed it... A small piece of paper with my phrase on it.

He: Being with you is addicting. I can't go back to my "normal life" after these vacations.

She: Ok, you got me.
But let's talk about it later, allright?

He: Oh now I'm happier!

She: And just so you know, I do that to.

He: You do what?

She: This fling of looking at something to feel better.

He: You do that too? And you didn't tell me?

She: Well I wouldn't until I knew I wasn't the only 'freaky' one!

He: Funny, lady...
And is it that you look at?

She: Just a couple of messages. Not that big deal but you know, the simple things...

He: Sinple as a pizza and a beer...

She: A beer for you. I had two. Weak!

couple of words [72]

He: Good morning, Sleeping-beauty.

She: Mmm... You're not here. I'm still dreaming.

He: You're sleeping alright but I am here.

She: What time did you get here? I... Don't remember anything, geez.

He: Late, it was over midnight. I couldn't wake you even if I wanted to.

She: Yeah... I slept like a child.

He: You do that every day. Even on your vacation's last day hahahah.

She: Funny mister. Go get me some coffee please!


She: You could've given me a kiss when you layed down, though.

He: Honey, I did... Hahah. You were way too tired.
Anyway I didn't want to wake you after you forgave me for not being here by dinner.

She: It happens...
I mean, working this hard can get us ill, but sometimes is what we have to do.

He: Plus your email was the best one ever.

She: Really? The one of...

He: "What's gonna be of me without you here all the time?". This one, yeah.

She: "This is evil. I need to talk with you too."

He: That's what I replied... I'm gonna miss it too... A lot.