segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2010

couple of words [20]

He: If you could pick a superpower... What would it be?

She: Superpower? Mmm let me see. Invisibility I guess.

He: Really? No nerves of steel then. Funny...

She: Why?

He: Well I guess you would pick to have strenght. Since, you know, you're... Pétit.

She: Pétit? That is new.

He: You know, in a good way. The best way. You're always 'in the best way'.

She: Hahah stop talking.
But tell me. What would be yours?

He: To fly!

She: Ohh I thought it would be invisibility too. But I'm glad it's not!

He: Why is that?

She: Ohh because then you could sneak yourself and spy on me. Or other girls.
Which is why you have to be glad I didn't pick strenght, right mister?

He: Don't look at me, I have eyes only for you!

She: Ok I'll buy that. But tell me... Why flying?

He: Well... It's the coolest superpower! You know... We see all those buildings... Makes me wanna fly around them and sit right on the top, waving for the people down there.

She: You know you would be arrested though...

He: How come? I would be a superhero! I was gonna, you know, save people.
Ok, stop looking at me like that and giggle! I would be this new kind of superhero. A lazy but yet adorable one. Hey! This should be my name! "Super Lazy""!

She: Mmm sounds ok. Now "Super Lazy", the dishes awaits you. Tonight is your turn...

He: Ohh I would, but you know, I got tired of thinking how awesome I would be as a superhero...

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