quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

couple of words [16]

He: Now I know what's like being trolled by you... Life is funny.

She: Ohh dear don't be sad. We finally discovered something to disagree on. Do you realize that?

He: I do. We are a unique couple after all. And you choose to support my team's biggest rival so we can disagree in one thing?

She: It's nice to feel like this, at least when your team loses. Which isn't that common, you know better than me.

He: It's better than yours hahah.

She: Well they just lost at the very end of the game... So, tonight I'm the one who makes the jokes here mister!

He: Ok, ok... But you know, altough it's nice to have these 'little fights'... I feel crushed.

She: Why honey?

He: Because... I'm being trolled by the person I love the most in the world... It doesn't feel good...
But it's ok, it's only fair... You be prepared when your team loses!

She: What are you gonna do?

He: Ohh I'm not telling you now. I'm having the most evil thoughts I've ever had about you!

She: Mmm I'm scared hahah. But now you owe me a jersey of my team!

He: I will give you.
Just because we are still a perfect couple.

She: I know... Isn't funny that the fact that we disagree about one single thing makes us even more perfect, if that is possible?..

He: Yeah. Like the 'infinit' symbol. Just perfect.

Posted via email from a few words

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