segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

couple of words [71]

He: What else does summer remind you?

She: Flowered dresses. My mom used to wear them a lot.

He: She still does...

She: Yeah... And I got that from her.

He: So that's why you like them so much.

She: Because of her also, yes. But it has something... It gives me a good feeling when I wear it. Peace, happiness, you know?

He: Well I never used one of those but I guess I know this feeling... Old summers when we had nothing to worry about. That kind of happiness.

She: But now we're adults and it's good even with the preoccupations.

He: Happiness... Never changes. It's a blessed feeling.
Like the hippies, they're now older and it's not even a movement anymore but I bet they're still humble about life.

She: My parents were. For some time, I guess before they've even met each other.

He: Nice...
I guess we are a generation of hippies' sons and daughters. That's why we feel so trapped about work routines and stuff.

She: It does make sense...
But our generation is called 'hipsters'. We work a lot more than fourty years ago, we complain a lot more about routine and we still haven't learned to love.

He: Hey. Not everyone though...

She: Of course not, you know it...

He: Now we're hipsters that listen to indie artists and get together with friends in reunions in the middle of the week, drink too much and go to work with dark cicles in the eyes saying that we're never gonna drink again.

She: Hey I only did that once. And it wasn't a reunion with friends, it was our engagement night!

He: Yeah... The next engagement party will be on a saturday night.

She: With your other fianceé, right?

He: Oh yeah. We already have babies. Twins hipsters, so cute!

couple of words [70]

He: Are you looking at the windshield?

She: Mmm? Yeah... Thinking...

He: About?

She: Childhood. Traveling with my parents on the vacations.
I guess I used to stare it when I was kid. Somehow this thought came to me now.

He: There's nothing like our childhood days, right?

She Yup.

He: When I look at those old yellowed pics I remember about vacations also. Or force myself to, it gets harder and harder to remember every year...

She: It's something we lose so we can make new memories.

He: Yeah...
I wish we could just keep everything, recent or old memories.

She: Would be nice. Now we have applications for smartphones that takes pictures with aged filters. But it's never going to be the same as those small photos with rounded corners.

He: Nor we have those stylish clothes we used to wear.

She: Fashion comes and goes. Now we live in a retro world.

He: Retro world...
At least some things that once were good comes back nowadays.

She: [...]
I hope that in two decades or something the yellowed pics will still look stylish.

He: Let's try then. A smartphone artificial aged picture is better than no picture.
Plus... One day our memories from today will be gone. Some things we must enroll.

She: Even this rain.

He: Even this pouring rain. After that here comes the sun.

She: And I say "It's allright!"...

terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011

couple of words [69]

He: The narrator on that movie was right. Most days pass without any remarkable happenings. That's why I value the little things.

She: I guess most days pass with difficulties. The good ones are the remarkable.

He: But we learn more on the hard days.

She: I kinda disagree.
For me, we learn with the hard and the good ones. No matter what we learn, there's always something yet to think about.

He: Or to talk about. Perhaps you're right.
Want more coffee? I know I want.

She: Not for me, I'm already tired and awake.

He: Just for me then.
So... I guess this is not an universal thing, right? I mean, we'll never be sure of what's more important for us to valuate things, the good days or the hard ones.

She: It's like discuss about politics or religions.

He: Or sports!

She: Yeah, so don't start it.
Most people think that discuss about things is boring or risky. And we don't talk about things anymore, we say our opinions and nevermind about different ones.

He: Yeah. It's ironic how the modern life brings us together and yet we don't talk anymore like before.

She: But not us.

He: Oh no. We like to talk!

She: Sometimes is funny how people look at us. "They don't ever stop talking? What a strange couple!"

He: Hahahah. Being strange, nowadays, is normal. The normal ones are the strange people, I guess.

She: That is an universal truth!

sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011

couple of words [68]

She: But that's what I'm talking about... Happiness is something particular.
We can agree in one or two things, perhaps more... But it's different from people to people.

He: But there are some universal things. Like summer.

She: Not for everyone, you know...

He: Mmm.
Then what is happiness to you?

She: Lots of things!

He: Like..?

She: The little things... Don't laugh, it is not a cliche...

He: Tell me one and I won't laugh!

She: [...]
When I leave the computer on the shuffle mode and it plays the song I wanna hear.

He: That is simple allright.
I guess it's like spending the entire day with you. The big picture is too much happiness to ask, but the little things... They happen all the time, and there is the joy.

She: You got my point...

He: So tell me, why wouldn't you just play the song you wanna hear at once?

She: Because the best things in life are unexpected!
You know that.

He: Mmm I guess I do.
We weren't expecting each other, after all.

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

couple of words [67]

He: Hello there.

She: Hey dear! Are you feeling better?

He: I feel like I'm dying, but thank you for ask...

She: Exagerated!

He: I haven't even seen you leaving this morning... By the way, tell me something.
What's up with the post-it on the bathroom mirror?..

She: Oh didn't you like it?.. It was just something for you to know cause I couldn't wake you this morning...

He: Shh I loved it.

She: Just my wishes for you to get better quick... Plus you're the one that started this 'post-it thing'.

He: Hahahah *cough*. I know..

She: Don't laugh! Your throat isn't recovered yet...

He: You make me laugh and I wanna see anyone saying that this doesn't make me get better!

She: Okay mister. But now you must save your voice. I bought some honey, have some with a cup of tea... And your medicines are on the cabinet...

He: Don't you worry, lady, I know where's everything. But what I really need is some other honey, you know.

She: Hahahah I knew you were going to say something like that... I guess you're getting better already.

He: How could I not with your magical post-it?..

sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

couple of words [66]

He: Why would you want to help them?

She: Because they seem to have problems... You know, we had it too.

He: Yes, and we solved by ourselves. Imagine how awkward would be if someone tried to help us.

She: I know, but... I feel helpless watching them almost finishing...

He: You have to think that these things we can't intervene. If they are a couple strong enough, if they like each other that much, they will solve.

She: I don't think it's that simple.

He: I do. See, if it didn't work I don't think it was meant to be. I don't think that this person was the love of your life. When this happens, no matter what, both of them will work it out.
As we did, right?

She: Perhaps you're right... But I still wanted to do something for them...
So, tell me how did you handle me?

He: I must tell you... I was very disappointed when you were having doubts... And didn't call me or anything.

She: I didn't because I was having doubts...

He: I know. But it was frustrating. But after all you decided for the right thing...

She: Because when you like someone that much you can't bear leaving it for a long time.
And that's what shows if it's gonna work.

He: See. You know these things, I didn't have to tell you not to do anything about our friends. They will work it out. Or won't. That's life happening.

She: We had to discuss about it. That's us being.. Us!

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

couple of words [65]

He: Hello.

She: Hey dear. I'm sorry I couldn't reply your message before. I'm without my credits, you know...

He: Hahah I do. Are you working now?

She: Yup. But I had to call you so you wouldn't think I avoided you, okay?

He: Hahahah. You didn't have to. But I'm glad you did.
You know, I don't send you messages hoping for a reply. I send'em to cheer you.

She: Sweet!
Oh I have to go now. Thank you for the message. And it's reason. Dinner tonight?

He: I'll be at your place at... Eight?

She: Nope! Seven, if you can. I'm happy, want to go out and dance!

He: But you know I can't dance...

She: It doesn't matter. You're trying to is good enough!
Bye mister!

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

½ Translação

Somos todos assim. Sentimos saudade.

Alguns mais que outros, porém.

Saudade de uma estação que passou. De duas, três, um ano completo.

A Terra girou em torno do sol e já está -de novo- mais perto dele.

E a saudade...

Do calor que se aproximava junto com o final do ano.

Da estação quente e ensolarada.

Das conversas que pareciam não terminar enquanto não acabasse o assunto.

E dos assuntos que se renovavam sempre.

Só parando para dar espaço ao silêncio de contemplação.

E contemplávamos...

Saudade do verão, e do inverno que se seguiu também.

Estações embaladas por músicas sob medida.

Hoje, trilhas sonoras do que passou. Da saudade, e só dela.

Saudade, mais do que tudo, de ser importante.

De pertencer ao seu dia, semana, e mês.

Porém, assim como outras coisas, a importância também diminui.

E isso já não mais nos pertence.

1 ano. 12 meses. 365 dias.

E as coisas podem mudar como um giro de 180º.

Somos todos assim. Sentimos saudade.

Alguns menos que outros, porém.







terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

couple of words [64]

He: You're awake.

She: Yeah. I'm... Thinking...

He: Mmm about what?

She: Kinda scared of the future, you know?

He: Don't mind about it.

She: Why not?

He: Cause... When time comes you'll forget how you wanted to act.

She: That's what scares me. Not knowing.

He: Listen... Before I fall sleep again, either if you're talking about us or other things, don't plan too much. Things are better when unexpected. For the better or worst.

She: You said that much with your eyes closed? Are you a sleep-walker?
Fell asleep?

He: No... Just... Thinking.

She: Funny. About what?

He: You know... How I used to be affraid of the future and stuff.

She: And you're not anymore?

He: Still a little, but... More secure about it.

She: The thing is, when we were kids the world seemed so big. And it is in fact. That's kind of scary.

He: That's the beauty of it. Explore it. Future only happens because of now.
And now I'm gonna snore. Don't say I didn't warn you...

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

couple of words [63]

She: Oh hi! I didn't know you were coming tonight...

He: Honey, you asked me to have dinner here, have you forgotten?

She: Oh probably I did, I'm sorry...
I'm glad you're here anyway.

He: Tough day ahn?

She: Tough is heaven compared to today, this week, this month!
Now I really need you to tell me something nice.

He: Like a compliment?

She: Well, yeah! I need to charge my self-esteem and there's no one better with it.

He: But... That's unfair.

She: Why dear?

He: Because a compliment it's only true when spontaneous.
Otherwise I would be just an actor... You know, acting.

She: Oh dear God this really is not my week...

He: Hey, relax a little. I didn't know if you wanted me to cook or wait for you, so I didn't do anything. But I brought the wine. Two bottles!

She: I say it's better that we better start them right now. Or after I take a shower, really need it now.

He: Yeah you go in there Piggy and I'll cook some pasta ok?

She: Piggy like in "The Muppets"? You're brave giving me nicknames while I'm on my pms!

He: Just go in there, take your shower, relax and get beautiful for me. No makeup cause you don't need it. When you go back everything will be set.

She: Now it's getting better...


She: Must confess, this was the best dinner ever. You did really good with these olives and tomatos.

He: Oh I'm flattered... But I guess it's true when they say "hunger is the best spice".

She: Either it's true or I have the best boyfriend ever.

He: Both of them so!

She: Hey, is it just me or I'm getting sleepy?.. Mmm I guess it's the wine...

He: You're just tired... But that's what the most beautiful in you.

She: Yeah? What?
You can keep talking, I'm just listening with my eyes closed...

He: Yeah... This is the most beautiful thing in you. To watch you falling asleep...
Now there's your compliment... Good night, Piggy.

couple of words [62]

He: Did you notice that when someone starts to count you are compelled to follow it?

She: Compelled? I don't know... It's more like curiosity.
Like when someone stares at something, you can't resist looking yourself.

He: I stare you always...

She: Hahahah but that doesn't count cause I know what you are looking at.

He: So... When I stare at you, what am I seeing?

She: There's a difference between look and see!

He: Not so much. It's more like... Stages of the same process.

She: How's that?

He: The whole process is "to stare". The first act is to look... Evaluate shortly...
And then the second act is to see... Take conclusions of what you're seeing and what this makes you feel and think.

She: This seems like another Science you forgot to told me you knew...
So, when you stare at me, what do you see and feel and think?

He: First tell me what do you think when you see yourself in the mirror.

She: Oh that's unfair.

He: Exactly.
I see and feel and think that it's unfair to spend most of my time without you.

She: Mmm now I got this counting talk. I have an idea. We stare at each other counting.
The first to miss the sequence loses!

He: Talking about unfair...

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

couple of words [61]

She: I know that song you're whistling, mister!

He: Of course you do. It's been a long cold lonely winter, little darling...

She: Oh don't complain! Not that lonely!
Amazing how a sunny day can pull you in a good mood.

He: Not just the sun, dear... It's just a small part. I'm excited because it's a sunday like any other we spend together.

She: Like any other sounds boring.

He: My life is never boring with you.
But I did missed the heat though.

She: It seems like years since it's been here, right?

He: ... Quite allright, my dear!
I feel like taking you to a 1960's British rock club tonight.

She: Oh you should've told me before. I would do my hair, and nails properly, plus I wouldn't know what to wear...

He: Don't mind, little darling! You're just perfect with a skirt or flowered dress, some lipstick and hair slightly tied.

She: Wow. I know you notice things, but I didn't know my boyfriend had such a knowledge about women's make-up and clothes!
This is only with me right?

He: Hahahah funny lady. I don't stare at women's purses to see if their earrings match, is this enough?

She: I'm glad. It's not always that I have the time to choose these things properly. Now, speaking of earrings: which pair you prefer?

He: Hey, I sincerely don't care. You're beautiful with either. Or neither!

She: Now this is the boyfriend I knew. Hahahah ok, girly things. I know which one!

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [60]

He: We haven't been talking much lately.

She: We did, but discussed and ended up giving up arguing.

He: But this is not right...

She: What part? Because we're not arguing again...

He: We already discussed before but this never happened. Things got better right after we finished.

She: I guess because this time we had good reasons to do it.

He: Even though...
We're not the typical couple. When we discuss we end it agreeing more than before

She: I guess that sometimes even the perfect couples has to disagree a little to develop.

He: Now you said it all.


She: Plus, like this music says: "Last thing I remember, things were getting better..."

He: "I'd go anywhere with you", dear!

Posted via email from a few words

sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2011

couple of words [59]

He: You're staring at the fire.

She: Yeah. It's beautiful isn't it? The wood burning, slowly.
You can seat in front of the fireplace and look at it till there's only ashes left.

He: Agreed... Plus, the sound is also a music to the ears.

She: I guess... When we stare at something silently for a while, whatever you're looking at, it becomes poetic.

He: Now you got why "everything seems poetic to me, when I want it"...

She: Ohh no, I unmasked your gift!

He: Yeah. Now what do I have to prevail? I'm finished!

She: Ohh don't be sad, I'm pretty sure you'll always be the master of it.

He: Mmm it's funny, because the reflection of the fire on your face is pretty...

She: What, will you draw me?

He: I wish I knew how to!
Instead I'm gonna stare at you for a while... Ask me again what I'm thinking in a few minutes...

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [58]

She: Say hello to the camera!

He: What are you doing?

She: Just a trailer of our holiday trip. Now don't be rude and say 'hello'!

He: "Hello, strange watching me. Hope you're having a great time on your computer desk while I'm away!"

She: I'm glad I told you not to be rude!
"You watching us there, don't be mad. Have a nice day!"

He: That was a unexpected... But you know, this light wasn't good at all to shoot. This video probably is going to be a little dark.

She: I know, mister. Even so, I think this sunset was worth to try.
Plus you look so serious driving hahahah.

He: So you wanted to show our friends that we are having fun in a video shot in the road?

She: Of course. Road movies rules all, don't you know?

He: You're full of surprises.
And wasn't me that said that about the road movies?

She: It was, memoryless!

He: Well, I'm glad. We're making our own road movie.
Don't you think we should talk about our existencial problems and what we're looking for in this trip?

She: Well, the only existencial problem I can think about right now is the time we're gonna spend together. And the only thing I'm looking for is to make some memories about it...

He: Yeah. A different kind of road movie. But I guess we can sell it anyway!

Posted via email from a few words

sábado, 16 de julho de 2011

couple of words [57]

He: You were the reason why my gastritis got worse, you know?

She: Me? Why?

He: Well... I don't know if it's too soon to say that, but... Before it was 'oficial' I was always tense, not knowing if we would keep going out, if you you was getting annoyed with me, that kind of stuff.

She: It's required a lot of stress and bad food habits for this disease to become this serious... Plus, you didn't look so nervous to me.
If you did I would think something was wrong with me, I'm glad!

He: Yeah, I know it was silliness... But I was tense. I still didn't know if you liked me that way, and then I realized that I missed you everyday... And couldn't see you or ask you out because doing that I was showing "too much interest", as some people told me...

She: Wow, calm down mister. And I thought that women thought too much about these things... Good to know hahah.

He: And the thing is... You, I mean, women, always knows the answer. A guy who likes a girl can't be sure if she has the same feeling, so he tortures itself about not knowing this... Don't think every men are cruel, because it's not like that... We suffer a lot, but we must not demonstrate it!

She: Mmm... Now I'm interested about it. I can see a lot of discussions about feelings coming hahahah!

He: The only problem is that doing this at a cinema line people keep staring at us...

Posted via email from a few words

quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

couple of words [56]

He: It was something like a rollercoaster. I didn't know if you were interested but I liked your company too much to be apart...

She: Well, like I said... At the beginning I wasn't. I needed just to be with myself, to cure my scars... Trynna trust in other people once again.
And it came within a month or less.

He: Sometimes I think if I wasn't too damn lucky, you know? Like, if we have met in other situations things wouldn't turn this right.
But of course, it's more like a "thank God it happened just this way" thought, so I remember to be thankfull.

She: I guess everything happened the way it was supposed to. I don't know if it's luck, destiny or whatever. But since it's a pretty rare feeling when its reciprocal, I guess we should be thankfull allright.

He: Well, looking at this way... I guess you weren't mean to me.

She: And you weren't a memoryless womanizer. Just a guy afraid of telling some girl that he liked her...
And the thing is, we could be so natural with each other that this happened naturally.

He: Well, enough said about our past, this drawer cleaning got me hungry!

She: You barely reached the half of your souvenirs!..

He: Oh we have all the time in the world to do it, like that old song says.

She: Uh-oh mister, these are yours! Now I'm focused in finishing this dinner properly without burning anything!

He: If you do burn it I'll add the recipe to the "funny memories" part of the souvenirs!

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sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

Romance à Paulista

Conheceram-se num dia 9 de Julho, como hoje. Ela ia fazer rematrícula na faculdade, e ele vinha do cursinho. Trombaram em uma das pontes sobre a 23 de Maio. Se reencontraram outras vezes, sempre de passagem pela Brigadeiro, até que ele lhe ofereceu um café e uma conversa.

Eram jovens e passeavam muito, da Brasil à Vergueiro, da Estação da Luz à outra Brigadeiro. Aos sábados quase sempre frequentavam a região da 25 de Março, driblando o movimento para almoçar no Mercado Municipal. E passeavam nas tardes de domingo, da Liberdade à Rua dos Pinheiros, do Museu do Ipiranga ao Parque Trianon.

Curtiam-se a ambos e também à cidade. Nos dias de semana -e trabalho- viam-se rapidamente no centrão, e no final da tarde encontravam-se na Praça da Sé. Do Marco Zero caminhavam aos seus destinos, e quando fazia calor o Ibirapuera era um bom local para um piquenique. Nunca se cansavam de ambos, e dos museus e cinemas. O Estádio Municipal do Pacaembu também era um local frequente, especialmente em um dia de clássico.

Fossem eles da ZL, do Alto da Lapa, do Mirante de Santana ou dos confins da Zona Sul, rodavam. E enfrentavam os perigos do trânsito ao andar de bicicletas, ainda que no final de semana. Um ato para corajosos. Viam de perto os problemas da cidade e em algumas ocasiões, marchavam pela Paulista ou em frente à Câmara por discordância de seus governantes ou para reivindicar direitos, ou o direito de ter determinado direito.

Eram, de fato, paulistas e paulistanos. Assim como muitos por aí, que podem não se dar conta de uma data de longínquos 79 anos atrás, mas que para alguns de nós ainda representa o dever -e o orgulho- de se erguer contra o que não vai bem.
Que continuemos assim, marchando, sempre pra frente.

Posted via email from a few words

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

couple of words [55]

He: Do you want anything more?

She: Oh no. Ask the check.
And tell me how can you do it!

He: What dear?

She: This... Smile.
It's cold, it's tuesday and we'll have a lot of work to do on the weekend. And you have this beautiful smile on your face.

He: That is why.
It's a cold tuesday and I've missed you...  Now I can look at you and talk with you. This makes me more calm to face the rest of the week...

She: Well it seems that the waiter and everyone that was hearing us thinks you'll propose to me. How foolish of them, isn't it?

He: What can we do if we have a strong relationship based on humor and affection?
By the way, when I do propose you won't even guess...

She: But that is a matter of science-fiction, getting married these days. I would say no, just to see everybody's reaction hahahah.

He: Yeah, I know that. Wait and see, lady!


He: Are they still looking at us?

She: Ever since we started talking about marriage.

He: Curious people hahahah. See how good is to see you in the middle of the week? That's why I smile.

She: Yeah mister, keep smiling like this, maybe one day I'll answer yes!

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [54]

She: *cough*

He: You're the one who told me to organize this drawer!

She: I'm glad I did! I didn't even know it was so dusty.

He: You sound like I don't care about what's in it...

She: It's not that you don't care about it, you just should clean the dust from time to time...

He: Ok ok now I know.
Do you realize I have more souvenirs than you?

She: That's because your memory is worst than mine. You need them to think more about our past, dear!

He: Ohh...
I reluctantly agree.

She: Don't worry honey, it's a normal thing with men. Besides, you're better than most because you keep the memories.

He: Now I enjoyed...
And you know, right there in the first weeks... You were mean to me!

She: Mean? How?

He: Well altough we clicked and went out to a lot of places and talked about everything...

She: What dear?

He: Now don't be mad.

She: That depends...

He: Well despite all of this, you didn't seem to be interested in me back then, the first couple of weeks I guess. And you already had my heart.

She: Sweet. But it's right, I wasn't interested. In anyone back then.
I started when you showed yourself a very good company.

He: [...]
Now I feel like I was a memoryless womanizer. Why did you started dating me, again?

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [53]

He: You're looking at every single tree we pass on.

She: Yeah...
Don't you think it's funny how most of them are dry and just one or two has flowers?

He: I don't know if it's funny. It's more like a process of life.

She: What do you mean?
Oh it's too damn cold!

He: Everything and everyone has it's own time to prosper.

She: [...]
And you can make everything seems poetic right?

He: That depends of my mood. Right now I'm enjoying a cold night walking with you.

She: And does that pleases you?

He: How could it not?
Look... I know you're not on the best moment these days. What can I do besides give you my support? Be positive so you can smile a little.

She: I was thinking about these trees... Right now I'm just a dry one.

He: Hey, don't worry that much.
As I said, everything has it's time. Soon you'll be a living tree also ok?

She: I'm gonna need some sunlight though.

He: Personally I find this office tan really sexy. But as long as you dont raise branches or leafs I'm fine with that.

She: You fool.

He: Hahah I see you're smiling, don't hide it... Ever.

Posted via email from a few words

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

couple of words [52]

She: A nickel for your thoughts!

He: Ok I'll buy it. But you have to guess in just one word. Three chances.

She: Your team's victory.

He: Way too vague. Keep it simple.

She: Mmm... Happiness...

He: [...]
Don't go smiling that way! That's not funny!

She: Hahahah it is!

He: Ok lady, how do you do it?

She: It's pretty obvious. You told me to be specific... What can be more specific than this huge smile in your face?
It's only happiness and I like it...

He: Mmm so you're gonna start cheering for my team with me? I finally turned you?

She: Perhaps. But don't go bragging yourself, mister!

He: Then I'll only buy your nickel when I finished converting you!

She: I would protest about it, but let's change the subject. The subway isn't the best place to talk about this...


He: You love this people and this colours and you know it hahah...

She: Shhhhhhh!

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couple of words [51]

She: Hey. You called me this afternoon... What's up?

He: It's nothing serious... Are you still working?

She: No, going home. Shoot.

He: Just wanted to know what you're up to this weekend.

She: I don't know... It's only monday. You have something in mind?

He: I have a million plans in mind.

She: I sense some bitterness... What's happenning dear?

He: Oh don't worry. It's just... I'm sad, the weekend is over and we have a long week before we can see each other again!

She: Relax. It's monday sickness... You'll get better as the week goes by.

He: I know, but it's not just this 'sickness'... Ahh I don't know what is it, but it's the worst feeling ever!
As much perfect the weekend is, it's just a little time for ourselves. It's unfair.

She: I know. But you know what 'life' would say back to you?

He: What?

She: Cry me a river!

He: Also, you're meaner at mondays!

She: Hahahah relax mister... See it in this way: everyone has this feeling, but no one has named it yet. If you do it you'll be leaving a mark for the humanity.

He: Mmmm... That could take a while...

She: Well, since I found something for you to do I'm gonna hang up. Good to know I'm usefull even at mondays!

Posted via email from a few words

segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011

couple of words [50]

She: You haven't told me which pic you chose, aside that one.

He: Oh I gave up, I printed all three...

She: And you're gonna alternate them?

He: I thought about it... But the idea of removing a picture from the frame kills me!

She: Hahahah you look like a kid that can't decide which dessert will have before even eating!

He: That's the feeling.

She: So you're gonna have just one frame? I'm shocked!

He: Hahah laughing of my misery...

She: Ohh dear, such a good feeling can never be a misery...

He: Mmm... I like that.

She: My phrase?

He: That too. But wait right there where you are. Don't move.

She: Ohh I can't believe in you, not now! I have wind in my face, I'm a mess!

He: Not at all. You're natural. Your hair in the wind is just what I wanted!
Plus the lampposts down the bridge and the sepia colour of the sky is really poetic!

She: I surrender. When you want to, everything is poetic...

He: And that, my dear, is a gift!
See, I bet this will give a great living room portrait!

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [49]

She: How many pics you want to print?..

He: I don't know... Like three, or four or five.

She: Wow that's a lot of portraits!

He: Well I want to have at least two at my place. One in the living room and another in the bedroom.
But the bedroom's picture I already chose.

She: Really? Which one?

He: Let's pick the others first! If I tell you now you may steal it from me. You know the deal, we can't have the same portraits!

She: Okay mister! Let's do it. I guess... This one near the tree, the shadow is nice...

He: Hahah you keep calling me 'mister'. I'm getting used to this...
I'm between another 3.

She: I decided! The one with the shadow and... This one before you fell on the lake hahahah.

He: Wow, really? I wanted to hide this one but you would notice it.
You really enjoyed catching me trying to feed the duck didn't you?

She: Are you kidding, this is a obvious choice! I laughed so hard when the duck got scared of you!
I never thought you would try to get him although he was near. I felt bad for laughing at you, almost entirely wet in that cold.

He: Almost felt bad...

She: Well it was pretty damn funny...

He: Nevermind, you don't have to ask me. I liked this smile I saw in your face while you were telling me this...

She: Good.
So, tell me yours!

He: Well, my first choice is also obvious...

She: The one I'm frowning!
Ohh I look so...

He: Happy, calm, beautiful.

She: Ok then you can have it!
What about the other?

He: I just can't decide. And we're late for the movies...

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [48]

She: You're not the worst passionate guy. By far you're not!
You just have to talk more... Open yourself a little more so I'll know that we are in the same tracks.

He: That was the problem last time, I opened myself perhaps too much and I ended up alone, well you know the story...
Wait, let me finish. You know the story, but... I will do it, I promise.
You're the best thing that happened to me in years I guess.

She: It's not that I don't like to read what you write or say to me, quite the opposite. But I already know you're good with it. Now we're together I need you with me.

He: You're right. And I need you with me too. It's good to have a little peace of mind, finally.

She: That's exactly what this is about. Peace, finally. I'm starting to feel calm and it's comforting...

He: It's what I always say, companionship is the best thing...

She: We surely enjoy talking about our relation, don't we?

He: I must say, I kinda enjoy it. At some point this conversations will cease and we will remember about it with nostalgia...

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [47]

He: You're doing that face now.

She: What face?

He: That one that says you're overthinking about something...

She: You already know me that well... I guess that's good.

He: So tell me, what bothers you?

She: I was thinking that maybe I was a little harsh with you.

He: You probably was.
But that's good.

She: Why good?

He: Well it shows me that you really believe in us. That this can be something really good.

She: I do believe.

He: And you were right about the 100% also. But I must say... After being broken hearted no one is 100% sure in a relationship.

She: I know, I wasn't either.

He: But time only knows how many % we will have.

She: And from now on we'll have to stop wasting our little time together discussing about it!

He: Couldn't agree more. We're in the same tracks after all.

She: Well not all the same. I still can't stand when your snore wakes me...

He: Funny, lady!

Posted via email from a few words

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011

couple of words [46]

He: Just calling to say 'good luck' to you on the first day!

She: Thank you dear. I don't know how it's gonna be, that's why I didn't ask you to have lunch with me ok?

He: I know, don't worry. Just settle there and we'll do it. Baci!

She: Back to you mister polyglot!



She: You are a magician and haven't told me?!

He: Hahahah. I have my tricks...

She: You're gonna tell me how you did that, aren't you?

He: Oh don't be so curious about it. It's just a post-it. With a 'good luck' message...

She: Funny, I'm asking about how you were able to put it there! Because I know you didn't go there before me... Right?

He: A magician never reveals his tricks!

She: Oh you're not a magician! I just wanted to know because I loved it!... Now everyone there knows me because my face was priceless!

He: You're always priceless!
But you must admit, it's a great way to start on a new job!

She: I hope they are not thinking that I have an insane boyfriend. Are you always this surprising in a relationship, mister?

He: Well only in the beginning... When I definitely have your heart I'll turn into a fat, baggy, drinking beer man!

She: Hahahah funny...

He: I'm telling you. Wait and see!

She: I'm not quite anxious about that!
Now I have to go, my battery is dying... Dinner tomorrow, I'll call you. Baci!

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [45]

She: I must admit that it's hotter here than my apartment...

He: I told you, it was freezing there. Plus, it's sunday. The day of the sun.

She: I could barely remember of the sun with this cold.

He: It could be the last sunny sunday of the winter!

She: Ohh don't exagerate.
But it can be the only hot day in a while, you're right about that.

He: All these people agree with us...

She: It's nice to go out on a sunday, you know? Many people hate this day and forget to seize it.

He: I could not ask for anything else today. Walking with you in the park and having a picknick.

She: I bet that you're feeling like we're in a movie!

He: Hahahah you already know me well lady!

She: Well all I can say about it is that these months, our first months have being a great surprise...

He: Agreed. May the next ones be just like that!

She: Or better.

He: Hey that tree is nice to seat right?
But stop right there! I'm gonna take a pic of you.

She: Here? The sun is blinding me, I can't even see you!

He: Even better, your face is pretty memorable right now, believe me...

Posted via email from a few words

couple of words [44]

She: I thought you said you didn't dream about me.

He: Back then I didn't. Even though we only saw each other on the weekends.

She: What changed then?

He: Well, now you're here. Almost all the time. When I fall asleep you're with me.
I've been sleeping better you know?

She: I do hahahah. I sometimes wake up and you're smiling... Makes me want to wake you up and ask you about, but that isn't fair!

He: Mmm I'm glad you don't wake me! I wouldn't sleep anymore... And neither would you!

She: You wish! When I'm sleepy not even a earthquake can stop me closing my eyes...

He: I know that too. But what you didn't know is that you talk while sleeping when you're tired!

She: Oh my God. What do I say?

He: Hahahah I would never tell you that!

She: You're mean! But it's ok, it's only fair, I see you smiling and you hear me talking. I hope it's nothing bad.

He: Well perhaps you're a good comediant. You tell jokes and I laugh.
Tell me about couples synchronized!

Posted via email from a few words

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

couple of words [43]

He: I see a big smile in this face...

She: You do! I love these 'couples night'. I wish we all could do this more often.

He: Well I can't say I don't enjoy, but...

She: So now you're going to tell me what is that concerned, vague look in your face?

He: It's this obvious?

She: For me, yep. I don't know about them, but... Who cares?

He: Actually it's about exactly that.

She: What dear?

He: How many times the girls asked you about our closeness or said that we are 'hatefully perfect together'?

She: A whole lot of times. I stopped counting. But I take that as a compliment... Don't you?

He: I'm not sure. Four couples seeing themselves almost once a month for the past... Three years? And we are the youngest one.

She: Say it louder, I didn't hear that last part from here!

He: Well... I was saying that we are the youngest couple. Also they're not as close as we are. And I don't mean passionate, it's...

She: Connection.

He: Exactly hun. I don't know, I got tired hearing things like that. It's always the same.

She: See... Everyone has problems. We do too, but our disagreements never turned into fights. I always say that to the girls, too.
It's a rare couple, pretty damn rare! It's a normal thing if they have a bit of envy from us. And I don't see that as a bad thing. Everyone wants to be happy, or happier. Even you, even me.

He: Oh you bet. But can't complain now we are living together. In our second year together all I wanted was that. But was risky. Now we know each other this well I see everything has it's time.

She: Good to see that worried look gone!

He: And do you know what? It's even better knowing that there isn't a recipe for that.

She: Makes you feel special, doesnt'? I know the feeling...

He: You do...
And I know the feeling of sushi also. Next time please arrange it for another place! I don't know why I keep eating this...

Posted via email from a few words

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

couple of words [42]

He: Is it me or the sky is darker today?

She: It seems... That's weird. It's not even 9pm yet.

He: Universe is a mystery...
But speaking of 'dark', tell me something... Which year was your darkest?

She: Well... I don't have a specific year... But I was having a living hell when we met.

He: Oh I know that.

She: Also, it was late autumn. It's always a little depressing.

He: I couldn't agree more...

She: And which was your darkest year?

He: Well it is kinda... The year before we met, but since things doesn't simply change in the new year I can say that I was having the worst time then, either.

She: And we managed to be nice to each other. That is something...

He: Hahah it is. We were two depressed persons. I guess that helped. We knew then that we had at least each other.
Plus, it was a nice day.

She: Yeah, that helped too.
Now with this 'dark subject' I want to have some dark chocolate! Bring it to me, will you?

He: To us... Going to!

Posted via email from a few words

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

couple of words [41]

He: You said "I need you" first!

She: Actually we said together!

He: Well it doesn't matter... I won't see you tonight, or tomorrow, or the day after. It's not amusing to have a fake discussion with you when I can't see your face...

She: No it's not.

He: Plus this damn cold... We are not leaving the apartment this weekend, right?

She: If we do, we'll have a challenge.

He: What kind?

She: Well let's say, for instance, that we need to buy something. We'll have a challenge and the loser will have to go alone.

He: Wow this cold makes you mean!

She: Funny! Do you agree?

He: What can I do, I'm the one who said that wouldn't leave the apartment...
I bet you have something in mind for us to do, right?

She: You know me, mister! But it's a surprise.

He: You know, there is one thing that makes this day less miserable.

She: What dear?

He: This cell-phone plan where we can talk whenever we want to.

She: You're right. But if you're thinking positively about the cellular company, then you really must be missing me!

He: Hahah funny. I can't even deny, either you're looking at me or not. That's bad!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to your 'challenge', lady!

Posted via email from a few words

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

couple of words [40]

He: I dropped by at your work today.

She: Oh I know, my boss told me...

He: Well when she told me she was your boss it was too late, you know... To be there...

She: Hahahah it's ok. She's nice to me. I can't complain about it... Yet, since she's new.

He: That's good then. I went there to have lunch with you but you were already gone.

She: If I knew my prince was comming I'd stay a few more minutes with hunger!

He: Hahahah... It's rare when my boss says that I have two hours for lunch, I had to spent it the best way.

She: And I missed that. Now I owe you one!

He: Yeah I'm gonna think about something you can do for me!
By the way, that post-it is still there...

She: Of course it is! And never will leave, he's going with me wherever I may go!

He: Really? What if the glue gets dry and it doesn't stick anymore?

She: Well then I'm going to hang it on my little wall with a pin.

He: Good to know.


He: You know, there is one thing you can do for me now...

She: What about it?

He: My feet are cold. I don't like this weather at all...

She: Well, if you're going to waste your chance asking me to warm them don't complain about it later, mister!

He: I couldn't. Simple things are the best!

Posted via email from a few words

terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011

couple of words [39]

She: You're not watching the movie...

He: Yeah... Kinda.

She: It does remember about when we met, right?

He: I was thinking about that exactly...

She: Maybe it's something universal. A couple pulling the strings so another couple can be formed.

He: You know, I did noticed those two were walking slower than us. I just wouldn't say that out loud to you. I didn't know what you would think...

She: I was distracted... And vulnerable. Well we both were right?

He: We do remember a lot of that day. This is good.
And as I told you then, "everyone's damaged goods right?"

She: "What matters is what you do to keep moving on with your life". Yes, I remember mister! How could I forget?..

He: For a couple of weeks I thought you didn't liked my companionship...

She: Well of course I did. That day triggered some change in me... You did it.

He: And that's why you replied saying that "it doesn't matter if you screwed up a relationship before. We're gonna seek the next chance to do it better next time, or the next and someday it will work."

She: What a deep conversation to have in a sunny day, isn't?

He: That's why it only took me five minutes to like you.
I was glad that you opened your heart to a total stranger. I confided you since then.

She: Mmm... Maybe these producers stole our story and made a movie about it!

He: That's would be a shame.

She: Why?

He: Look at this theater... It's empty!

She: This young couples... They don't even apreciate art anymore!

He: Yeah. Let's face a french-1950's movie marathon after this one ends!

Posted via email from a few words

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011

couple of words [38]

She: This... Is a rabbit!

He: Wrong!

She: Mmm... A wolf?

He: Hahahah wrong. A wolf similiar to a rabbit would be funny...
Last chance.

She: Okay... This is... A dinossaur!

He: Well, its a Tyrannosaurus actually... But it's ok.

She: A Tyrannosaurus is a type of dinossaur anyway. Where did you learn to do these shadows?

He: Movies. Old movies, you know, the ones with huge monsters... They were all made of clay or shadows with hands.

She: Oh my boyfriend has such a knowledge of pop culture hahah...

He: Among other futilities, of course.

She: Well it's pretty good to have someone to talk about these things. When a blackout comes we realize that!

He: Yeah. But we had dinner, asked ourselves questions and played shadows. If we keep talking I'm gonna sleep right here on the carpet...

She: That's a good idea... We can sleep here for a change. I'll get the blankets!

He: Fine by me. I know you're gonna be grumbling at dawn and I'll have to carry you back to the bedroom.

She: And you better not to wake me up, mister!

He: Hahah... We discuss that every time and do the same thing every time. Some things should never change alright!

Posted via email from a few words

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

couple of words [37]

He: A favourite month?

She: December.
A favourite place?

He: That beach...
Favourite food?

She: Pizza. Favourite liquid?

He: Beer!

She: Hahahah you don't drink that much!

He: You spoiled it! Now it's my turn again.
Favourite... Year.

She: The one I've met you.

He: Okay, you win.

She: I told you we could have fun despite the blackout!
Now you owe me a pizza and a beer.

He: This bet I'm glad to pay. If there is a place still opened in this darkness...

Posted via email from a few words

quarta-feira, 6 de abril de 2011

couple of words [36]

She: Honey... I know I'm late but I'm finally going home and I need a hug.
Not just a hug, yours.

He: I'm waiting here. With my two arms!


He: So, what's so special about my hug?

She: Ahh it's obvious right? It's you. There isn't anyone else I'd like to be with.
Specially because it's been a hell of a week.

He: I feel the same... But... It's pretty much like every other week, isn't it?

She: I suppose...
But the best 'anti-stress' therapy is you. No matter where we are. Just being like we are, you know...

He: I do.
But we must stop talking now or you'll be sleeping in my arms in about five minutes...

Posted via email from a few words

segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011

couple of words [35]

She: Busy week...

He: It's a living hell. I tell you, if there is a hell, it's pretty much like this.

She: It's that bad there?

He: Well let's see.. Today is wednesday and it feels like monday morning.

She: Ouch.

He: Also... I'm gonna work late everyday. Plus saturday the whole day I guess.

She: It's alright honey. We'll have lunch some day next week.

He: You know... It's not the fact that I have to burst my ass off in here...
I would do that happily if I could go home at night and see you.

She: Yeah, but...

He: Don't get me wrong honey, I know we live far and it can't be changed now... The world is wrong, not us.

She: Mmm having hard time with people there?

He: I... I just don't know what's wrong with people. Everyone. Everyone's mean, criticize other people from their back, publish status on social networks making fun of other people... And everyone thinks that this is normal.
Or maybe I'm wrong and we all turned into shameless, heartless, coldless bastards.

She: You're not wrong. It's a cruel world filled with cruel people. But what can we do to change it? I wish I knew...
But one thing I know, if there's a way to change it is to be exactly like you are, and do exactly what you're doing.

He: Working harder because I'm the one who gives the f-word?

She: Hahahah silly. You care. And not just about the work, but about everything. About people, about me. Don't you ever change that.
Don't lose your energy. You're stressed I know. When you go home tonight don't call me. Have a beer on the couch and fall sleep watching some game.

He: Really?

She: Sure honey. But don't drink too much, you know...

He: Okay okay, I know.
See, that's why I miss you. You're not just the best girlfriend ever. You're a person that I can talk too.

She: But you'll owe me a dinner once you can go home early!

He: Really? I'm having lunch at my desk talking to you and you're demanding a dinner some day next week or another?

She: That's my price, mister!

He: Fair enough...
Now, I gotta hang up hon!

Posted via email from a few words

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

couple of words [34]

She: Calm down, mister. Having a bad dream?

He: Huh? Oh you're here.

She: Of course I am. I guess you fell asleep watching tv before I get here right? Geez you're sweating!

He: Bad dream...

She: What was about?

He: Nothing frightening... Just... You were not here. I was sleeping alone.

She: So you dreamed that I was not here... And that was a nightmare?

He: I... Wouldn't say nightmare. But surely was scary.

She: How come? When I don't sleep here it's because I wake up early the next morning...

He: I know. It was... Different.

She: Different how?

He: It seemed that you... That you weren't here because you didn't exist in my life.

She: Oh...

He: That was scary. This thought that you didn't exist and that I had to sleep alone every night and dream about this perfect creature so unreachable.

She: Ohh don't start with this 'perfection' thing again mister!
But thank you. I'll try to be more present in your dreams...

He: Like you had to try...

Posted via email from a few words

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

couple of words [33]

He: Nice sunset right?

She: Beautiful.

He: I'm glad we could make it in time to see it. Best thing about summer is this view...

She: I don't know if it's the best, but... It's pretty nice to get home in a hot day like this and apreciate it.


He: I know. It's not the best thing about summer.

She: What is then?

He: To get home in a hot day like this... And have someone to share this sunset with.

She: Oh, not just someone. The one.

He: The only one.

She: The nicest one.

He: The... Well, this could go on and on...

She: Yeah. Thank God we have some more hours to be the perfect couple today...

Posted via email from a few words

sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

couple of words [32]

He: Now you know that your boyfriend is a nerd coward...

She: Not at all. I surely wouldn't want you to get into a fight with a random guy annoying me in the bar.

He: Yeah, but would help if I was... You know... Stronger, tough.

She: Muscles over your brain? Thank you very much, no...
Now let's get some more drinks.


He: So you were saying that you actually like that I'm weak and nerdy?

She: I wouldn't say you're 'nerdy'. Sweet is better. Sensitive but a man. Not a jerk who likes muscles and breasts and beers, and muscles... See it?

He: I see your point. I just wish that I could talk more... Imposing. Like you, you dominate every conversation with a man if you want to.

She: Honey, that's because women are hotter. Always. Not because you think you're soft.

He: Mmm... I suppose so...
And you know... You are soft.

She: Am I?

He: Yeah, surely is.

She: Why is that?

He: You know... You're all soft... Like... A living cushion that I want to bite all the time. That soft.

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