quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

couple of words [62]

He: Did you notice that when someone starts to count you are compelled to follow it?

She: Compelled? I don't know... It's more like curiosity.
Like when someone stares at something, you can't resist looking yourself.

He: I stare you always...

She: Hahahah but that doesn't count cause I know what you are looking at.

He: So... When I stare at you, what am I seeing?

She: There's a difference between look and see!

He: Not so much. It's more like... Stages of the same process.

She: How's that?

He: The whole process is "to stare". The first act is to look... Evaluate shortly...
And then the second act is to see... Take conclusions of what you're seeing and what this makes you feel and think.

She: This seems like another Science you forgot to told me you knew...
So, when you stare at me, what do you see and feel and think?

He: First tell me what do you think when you see yourself in the mirror.

She: Oh that's unfair.

He: Exactly.
I see and feel and think that it's unfair to spend most of my time without you.

She: Mmm now I got this counting talk. I have an idea. We stare at each other counting.
The first to miss the sequence loses!

He: Talking about unfair...

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