domingo, 25 de março de 2012

couple of words [83]

She: Sometimes it just doesn't matter what you think, what you know it's right.

He: I know but that's a little harsh isn't it?

She: Dear... We can't follow our principles all the time.

He: It shouldn't be this way...

She: Listen -and do not take this badly- it's not everyone who has that sweet view about the world.
Some people just overrule what you think. And that's why sometimes you have to do your best. For the better or worst.

He: And it feels like it's always worst.

She: It's the price you have to pay for romanticize things.
Unfortunately just a few understands it and agrees with you.

He: I'm feeling like a loser. I see wrong things, but the wrong one is me.
Things are that upside down?

She: Now is the time for you to be strong... And realize I'm here with you. For the better or worst.

He: In sickness and health also?

She: Nice trick!
But yeah, of course.

He: I see some less resistance to marriage affairs...

She: Maybe it's time to think about it.
I saw this triumph smile, mister!

He: Ok, enough of romanticized things for today!..

domingo, 18 de março de 2012

couple of words [82]

She: You're quiet.

He: Yeah.
Just sad. Another sunday ends, another week ahead.

She: But you don't get this sad usually.

He: I know.
It's the weather dropping. I don't like it.
Despite the fact I won't see you in a few days, cause this is obvious.

She: Ohh that... I see.
Perhaps it wasn't a good idea you walking me home. It's far, it's getting colder...

He: No, don't get me wrong.
A cold sunset in a sunday with you is way better than a hot day alone outside.


She: You know... There was this person I care a lot that told me one day that 'where there is longing, there are feelings'.

He: Mmm... I suppose this important person is right.
It's just that sometimes I realize that a day without you is a day lost.

She: There are no lost days when you care for someone.


He: See? That was a good point. I miss this conversations more than I realize.

She: But right now, all I care is that you hold my hand cause it's getting cold and we have no gloves.

He: Nahh, who cares for gloves? I'll keep you warm, my cavewoman!

She: Hahahahah where did you get that?
No need to do this shy smile, you know I liked it!

sábado, 17 de março de 2012

couple of words [81]

He: I'm sorry I left for a while, I had some things to do...

She: No need to, mister. Work comes... First, sometimes.

He: It's not that I couldn't do both things, but that time you were making me laugh!

She: Hahahah was I? How come?

He: Us both were talking nonsense I guess... But you know, boss was near, I couldn't laugh!

She: Sometimes all we have to do is to hide a smile when we can't, right?

He: Or don't want to.
That's why I sometimes disappear... I don't want to hide the smile you're responsable of.

She: Ohh nice. Thank God I can laugh here on my cubicle. Not so loud, but I can.

He: You can laugh really easily, sometimes...

She: Not just anytime, mister. You are funny. These moments we talk about nonsense things makes my mornings worthy.

He: So you're saying that you do enjoy our crazyness mornings... Interesting.

She: It helps me with my mood when I don't wake up that positive.

He: Glad to know.
And you know... I don't have a good morning without you making me smile.

She: Some people says simple things are the best.

He: Yeah...
They're wrong.

She: Silly things are.

He: Exactly.

quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012

Lápis de cor

As vezes esquecemos, lá na gaveta, um lápis solitário. Geralmente o cinza. Tão injustiçado quanto os outros.

Largamos cada cor em um canto. Separadas em gavetas. Avulsos e perdidos.

Cada um com sua importância, isolado dos outros. E tentamos, em vão, desenhar. E reclamamos do resultado.

- Falta cor, falta sentimento! Mas onde estão as outras cores?

- Pra quê misturar azul e amarelo? É mais fácil usar logo o verde!

E cortamos também uma dose de boa vontade. Pela raiz.

Mas é quando os desenhos só apresentam tons de cinza que aparece o lápis mágico.

- Por quê mágico? Esse lápis não funciona! É ilusão sua!

E eles realmente olham uma folha em branco.

E o lápis mágico desenha todas as cores que faltam, e vão além do papel.
Mas para alguns ele continua em branco.

E se recusam a tentar enxergar o que ele desenhou.
Argumentam que você está vendo coisas.

E, por ingenuidade, vez ou outra descartamos um lápis mágico.
Que insiste aparecer novamente, em outra oportunidade.

E nos perguntamos "Aonde esse lápis esteve? Não lembro de tê-lo guardado!"

De fato, ele não foi feito pra ficar preso na gaveta. E só sentimos falta quando o cinza volta a predominar.

O injustiçado cinza. Culpado pelo céu escuro.
Sozinho, até o azul do céu é intimidante.

Então percebemos que não é preciso um lápis mágico pra trazer harmonia. Ele apenas não nos deixa esquecer disso.

É mesmo bem trabalhoso usar todos lápis ao mesmo tempo. Exige atenção aos detalhes.
Mas só quem faz uso da palheta aprende a ser lápis mágico, um dia.

domingo, 11 de março de 2012

couple of words [80]

He: Don't get me wrong... But I came today only because he's the best friend ever.

She: I know how you feel.

He: It's not that... I know you're a great person, they made sure of telling me the nicest things about you...

She: Oh please... Cut it out.
Do you want to be here, honestly?

He: Actually I do. This is what I was gonna say...

She: Then don't come with small talk over me. I'm here because they told me it would be fun, and I must say I've been needing to go out and see the sun again.

He: It's not small talk, but good to know you think the same.
Now let me finish.

She: You've got the word, mister.

He: Mister... Funny.
So, now I realize that even if this ends up as a total failure... I was wrong about being alone at my place. We need to see other people sometimes. Even if it's just to look at.

She: Now you said a big truth.
So what was her name?

He: Her?.. It.. Doesn't matter, does it?

She: Nope. That would be small talk.
There's always a sorrow for something I guess...

He: Everyone is damaged goods right?

She: Hell yeah.
Enphasize the "hell".

He: Hahahah.
I guess.. What matters is what you do to keep moving on with your life.

She: For me, it doesn't matter if you screwed up a relationship before. We're gonna seek the next chance to do it better next time, or the next and someday it will work.


He: For someone who seemed bored from the beginning, this look of agreement on your face says I'm not useless...

She: Hahah. Don't be a fool. I like good conversations.
And I must say, I love to laugh. Been missing this...