terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012

couple of words [78]

She: Now that you've taken a pic of me you'll have to do me something!

He: Whatever you want dear.

She: You're gonna write your adress on a napkin for me.

He: My adress? But... We just came from there.

She: I know, silly. I can't tell you what's about or I'll spoil the surprise.

He: But... You know it by heart, don't you?

She: Yeah I do, mister. But trust me on this one.


He: You're gonna write me a letter, won't you?

She: No!

He: Hahahah I found it! Don't turn your face, let me see!
Now, you're blushing!

She: Yeah I am, cause you spoiled my surprise. What for?

He: Ohh don't be like that my pretty.. I'd love to get a letter from you!

She: You're just saying so I won't be mad.

He: Oh no, I know there's no way back now... I mean it.
I kinda love old-fashioned things!

She: If you're referring to me...

He: Shh. Don't be naive. You have wonderful tastes. I think that nowadays, sending a letter is a big proof of caring for someone.

She: Now you got it.
But I'm still mad.

He: You know something?

She: I'm gonna know in a second!

He: If you're the one who's sending me the letter, I would love it even if it was just a dot on the "i"!

She: Cute!
But there's a movie with that name, isn't it?

He: Well it doesn't make it less truth!

She: Ok mister... You seem to have a gift...

He: Really? Which one?

She: Either you're a really good persuasive person... Or you can turn my humor from worst to the best.

He: In time, dear, you'll see that this only applies to you...

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