sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2011

couple of words [59]

He: You're staring at the fire.

She: Yeah. It's beautiful isn't it? The wood burning, slowly.
You can seat in front of the fireplace and look at it till there's only ashes left.

He: Agreed... Plus, the sound is also a music to the ears.

She: I guess... When we stare at something silently for a while, whatever you're looking at, it becomes poetic.

He: Now you got why "everything seems poetic to me, when I want it"...

She: Ohh no, I unmasked your gift!

He: Yeah. Now what do I have to prevail? I'm finished!

She: Ohh don't be sad, I'm pretty sure you'll always be the master of it.

He: Mmm it's funny, because the reflection of the fire on your face is pretty...

She: What, will you draw me?

He: I wish I knew how to!
Instead I'm gonna stare at you for a while... Ask me again what I'm thinking in a few minutes...

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couple of words [58]

She: Say hello to the camera!

He: What are you doing?

She: Just a trailer of our holiday trip. Now don't be rude and say 'hello'!

He: "Hello, strange watching me. Hope you're having a great time on your computer desk while I'm away!"

She: I'm glad I told you not to be rude!
"You watching us there, don't be mad. Have a nice day!"

He: That was a unexpected... But you know, this light wasn't good at all to shoot. This video probably is going to be a little dark.

She: I know, mister. Even so, I think this sunset was worth to try.
Plus you look so serious driving hahahah.

He: So you wanted to show our friends that we are having fun in a video shot in the road?

She: Of course. Road movies rules all, don't you know?

He: You're full of surprises.
And wasn't me that said that about the road movies?

She: It was, memoryless!

He: Well, I'm glad. We're making our own road movie.
Don't you think we should talk about our existencial problems and what we're looking for in this trip?

She: Well, the only existencial problem I can think about right now is the time we're gonna spend together. And the only thing I'm looking for is to make some memories about it...

He: Yeah. A different kind of road movie. But I guess we can sell it anyway!

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sábado, 16 de julho de 2011

couple of words [57]

He: You were the reason why my gastritis got worse, you know?

She: Me? Why?

He: Well... I don't know if it's too soon to say that, but... Before it was 'oficial' I was always tense, not knowing if we would keep going out, if you you was getting annoyed with me, that kind of stuff.

She: It's required a lot of stress and bad food habits for this disease to become this serious... Plus, you didn't look so nervous to me.
If you did I would think something was wrong with me, I'm glad!

He: Yeah, I know it was silliness... But I was tense. I still didn't know if you liked me that way, and then I realized that I missed you everyday... And couldn't see you or ask you out because doing that I was showing "too much interest", as some people told me...

She: Wow, calm down mister. And I thought that women thought too much about these things... Good to know hahah.

He: And the thing is... You, I mean, women, always knows the answer. A guy who likes a girl can't be sure if she has the same feeling, so he tortures itself about not knowing this... Don't think every men are cruel, because it's not like that... We suffer a lot, but we must not demonstrate it!

She: Mmm... Now I'm interested about it. I can see a lot of discussions about feelings coming hahahah!

He: The only problem is that doing this at a cinema line people keep staring at us...

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quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

couple of words [56]

He: It was something like a rollercoaster. I didn't know if you were interested but I liked your company too much to be apart...

She: Well, like I said... At the beginning I wasn't. I needed just to be with myself, to cure my scars... Trynna trust in other people once again.
And it came within a month or less.

He: Sometimes I think if I wasn't too damn lucky, you know? Like, if we have met in other situations things wouldn't turn this right.
But of course, it's more like a "thank God it happened just this way" thought, so I remember to be thankfull.

She: I guess everything happened the way it was supposed to. I don't know if it's luck, destiny or whatever. But since it's a pretty rare feeling when its reciprocal, I guess we should be thankfull allright.

He: Well, looking at this way... I guess you weren't mean to me.

She: And you weren't a memoryless womanizer. Just a guy afraid of telling some girl that he liked her...
And the thing is, we could be so natural with each other that this happened naturally.

He: Well, enough said about our past, this drawer cleaning got me hungry!

She: You barely reached the half of your souvenirs!..

He: Oh we have all the time in the world to do it, like that old song says.

She: Uh-oh mister, these are yours! Now I'm focused in finishing this dinner properly without burning anything!

He: If you do burn it I'll add the recipe to the "funny memories" part of the souvenirs!

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sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

Romance à Paulista

Conheceram-se num dia 9 de Julho, como hoje. Ela ia fazer rematrícula na faculdade, e ele vinha do cursinho. Trombaram em uma das pontes sobre a 23 de Maio. Se reencontraram outras vezes, sempre de passagem pela Brigadeiro, até que ele lhe ofereceu um café e uma conversa.

Eram jovens e passeavam muito, da Brasil à Vergueiro, da Estação da Luz à outra Brigadeiro. Aos sábados quase sempre frequentavam a região da 25 de Março, driblando o movimento para almoçar no Mercado Municipal. E passeavam nas tardes de domingo, da Liberdade à Rua dos Pinheiros, do Museu do Ipiranga ao Parque Trianon.

Curtiam-se a ambos e também à cidade. Nos dias de semana -e trabalho- viam-se rapidamente no centrão, e no final da tarde encontravam-se na Praça da Sé. Do Marco Zero caminhavam aos seus destinos, e quando fazia calor o Ibirapuera era um bom local para um piquenique. Nunca se cansavam de ambos, e dos museus e cinemas. O Estádio Municipal do Pacaembu também era um local frequente, especialmente em um dia de clássico.

Fossem eles da ZL, do Alto da Lapa, do Mirante de Santana ou dos confins da Zona Sul, rodavam. E enfrentavam os perigos do trânsito ao andar de bicicletas, ainda que no final de semana. Um ato para corajosos. Viam de perto os problemas da cidade e em algumas ocasiões, marchavam pela Paulista ou em frente à Câmara por discordância de seus governantes ou para reivindicar direitos, ou o direito de ter determinado direito.

Eram, de fato, paulistas e paulistanos. Assim como muitos por aí, que podem não se dar conta de uma data de longínquos 79 anos atrás, mas que para alguns de nós ainda representa o dever -e o orgulho- de se erguer contra o que não vai bem.
Que continuemos assim, marchando, sempre pra frente.

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sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

couple of words [55]

He: Do you want anything more?

She: Oh no. Ask the check.
And tell me how can you do it!

He: What dear?

She: This... Smile.
It's cold, it's tuesday and we'll have a lot of work to do on the weekend. And you have this beautiful smile on your face.

He: That is why.
It's a cold tuesday and I've missed you...  Now I can look at you and talk with you. This makes me more calm to face the rest of the week...

She: Well it seems that the waiter and everyone that was hearing us thinks you'll propose to me. How foolish of them, isn't it?

He: What can we do if we have a strong relationship based on humor and affection?
By the way, when I do propose you won't even guess...

She: But that is a matter of science-fiction, getting married these days. I would say no, just to see everybody's reaction hahahah.

He: Yeah, I know that. Wait and see, lady!


He: Are they still looking at us?

She: Ever since we started talking about marriage.

He: Curious people hahahah. See how good is to see you in the middle of the week? That's why I smile.

She: Yeah mister, keep smiling like this, maybe one day I'll answer yes!

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couple of words [54]

She: *cough*

He: You're the one who told me to organize this drawer!

She: I'm glad I did! I didn't even know it was so dusty.

He: You sound like I don't care about what's in it...

She: It's not that you don't care about it, you just should clean the dust from time to time...

He: Ok ok now I know.
Do you realize I have more souvenirs than you?

She: That's because your memory is worst than mine. You need them to think more about our past, dear!

He: Ohh...
I reluctantly agree.

She: Don't worry honey, it's a normal thing with men. Besides, you're better than most because you keep the memories.

He: Now I enjoyed...
And you know, right there in the first weeks... You were mean to me!

She: Mean? How?

He: Well altough we clicked and went out to a lot of places and talked about everything...

She: What dear?

He: Now don't be mad.

She: That depends...

He: Well despite all of this, you didn't seem to be interested in me back then, the first couple of weeks I guess. And you already had my heart.

She: Sweet. But it's right, I wasn't interested. In anyone back then.
I started when you showed yourself a very good company.

He: [...]
Now I feel like I was a memoryless womanizer. Why did you started dating me, again?

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couple of words [53]

He: You're looking at every single tree we pass on.

She: Yeah...
Don't you think it's funny how most of them are dry and just one or two has flowers?

He: I don't know if it's funny. It's more like a process of life.

She: What do you mean?
Oh it's too damn cold!

He: Everything and everyone has it's own time to prosper.

She: [...]
And you can make everything seems poetic right?

He: That depends of my mood. Right now I'm enjoying a cold night walking with you.

She: And does that pleases you?

He: How could it not?
Look... I know you're not on the best moment these days. What can I do besides give you my support? Be positive so you can smile a little.

She: I was thinking about these trees... Right now I'm just a dry one.

He: Hey, don't worry that much.
As I said, everything has it's time. Soon you'll be a living tree also ok?

She: I'm gonna need some sunlight though.

He: Personally I find this office tan really sexy. But as long as you dont raise branches or leafs I'm fine with that.

She: You fool.

He: Hahah I see you're smiling, don't hide it... Ever.

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