quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2010

Of changed things

It's not a daily need. It comes and it goes

But it comes by any hour, at any moment

Specially on the weirdest dreams

Weird.. Because aren't real, of course

Weird because they couldn't be real

Not that weird considering the wills

And the desires they symbolize

But do they?

Considering I don't ever think about them

Not that far, though

Then what is it

This... Special needs

This wills, desires, dreams, symbols

This parallel reality that only exists

For a few [remembered] moments

In the morning after

Perhaps it's just mine, or our minds

Getting impatient and taking ahead

Through some years

Perhaps I'm just realizing that they aren't possible

Which is why they are dreams

And/or wills, needs, desires, symbols

Of changed things.

Posted via web from Eu tuito - thiagobm's posterous

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