quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

couple of words [67]

He: Hello there.

She: Hey dear! Are you feeling better?

He: I feel like I'm dying, but thank you for ask...

She: Exagerated!

He: I haven't even seen you leaving this morning... By the way, tell me something.
What's up with the post-it on the bathroom mirror?..

She: Oh didn't you like it?.. It was just something for you to know cause I couldn't wake you this morning...

He: Shh I loved it.

She: Just my wishes for you to get better quick... Plus you're the one that started this 'post-it thing'.

He: Hahahah *cough*. I know..

She: Don't laugh! Your throat isn't recovered yet...

He: You make me laugh and I wanna see anyone saying that this doesn't make me get better!

She: Okay mister. But now you must save your voice. I bought some honey, have some with a cup of tea... And your medicines are on the cabinet...

He: Don't you worry, lady, I know where's everything. But what I really need is some other honey, you know.

She: Hahahah I knew you were going to say something like that... I guess you're getting better already.

He: How could I not with your magical post-it?..

sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

couple of words [66]

He: Why would you want to help them?

She: Because they seem to have problems... You know, we had it too.

He: Yes, and we solved by ourselves. Imagine how awkward would be if someone tried to help us.

She: I know, but... I feel helpless watching them almost finishing...

He: You have to think that these things we can't intervene. If they are a couple strong enough, if they like each other that much, they will solve.

She: I don't think it's that simple.

He: I do. See, if it didn't work I don't think it was meant to be. I don't think that this person was the love of your life. When this happens, no matter what, both of them will work it out.
As we did, right?

She: Perhaps you're right... But I still wanted to do something for them...
So, tell me how did you handle me?

He: I must tell you... I was very disappointed when you were having doubts... And didn't call me or anything.

She: I didn't because I was having doubts...

He: I know. But it was frustrating. But after all you decided for the right thing...

She: Because when you like someone that much you can't bear leaving it for a long time.
And that's what shows if it's gonna work.

He: See. You know these things, I didn't have to tell you not to do anything about our friends. They will work it out. Or won't. That's life happening.

She: We had to discuss about it. That's us being.. Us!

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

couple of words [65]

He: Hello.

She: Hey dear. I'm sorry I couldn't reply your message before. I'm without my credits, you know...

He: Hahah I do. Are you working now?

She: Yup. But I had to call you so you wouldn't think I avoided you, okay?

He: Hahahah. You didn't have to. But I'm glad you did.
You know, I don't send you messages hoping for a reply. I send'em to cheer you.

She: Sweet!
Oh I have to go now. Thank you for the message. And it's reason. Dinner tonight?

He: I'll be at your place at... Eight?

She: Nope! Seven, if you can. I'm happy, want to go out and dance!

He: But you know I can't dance...

She: It doesn't matter. You're trying to is good enough!
Bye mister!

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

½ Translação

Somos todos assim. Sentimos saudade.

Alguns mais que outros, porém.

Saudade de uma estação que passou. De duas, três, um ano completo.

A Terra girou em torno do sol e já está -de novo- mais perto dele.

E a saudade...

Do calor que se aproximava junto com o final do ano.

Da estação quente e ensolarada.

Das conversas que pareciam não terminar enquanto não acabasse o assunto.

E dos assuntos que se renovavam sempre.

Só parando para dar espaço ao silêncio de contemplação.

E contemplávamos...

Saudade do verão, e do inverno que se seguiu também.

Estações embaladas por músicas sob medida.

Hoje, trilhas sonoras do que passou. Da saudade, e só dela.

Saudade, mais do que tudo, de ser importante.

De pertencer ao seu dia, semana, e mês.

Porém, assim como outras coisas, a importância também diminui.

E isso já não mais nos pertence.

1 ano. 12 meses. 365 dias.

E as coisas podem mudar como um giro de 180º.

Somos todos assim. Sentimos saudade.

Alguns menos que outros, porém.